
Dipping & Drizzling Platter GFo
rustic platter featuring whipped butter, local olive oil, homemade hummus, smoked pepper dip – and artisan La Tahona Chica ciabatta, perfect for dipping and sharing!
Mantequilla batida, aceite de oliva local, hummus y dip de pimiento asado con almendras | Manteiga batida, azeite de oliva local, homus e dip de pimentão grelhado com amêndoas

Cheese selection, fruit compote, crackers GFo
A trio of artisan cheeses paired with delicious chutney and crisp crackers.
Seleção de queijos, compota de fruta, crocante | Selección de quesos, compota de frutas, cracker

Tofu and Broccoli Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing V
Baked tofu and fresh broccoli florets tossed in a creamy, tangy peanut butter dressing.
Ensalada de Tofu y Brócoli con Salsa de Cacahuet | Salada de Tofu e Brócolis com Molho de Amendoim

Roast Tomatoes with Gochujang-spiced Beans V GFo
Sweet roasted tomatoes with hearty beans coated in a smoky, spicy gochujang sauce.
Served with sourdough bread (or gluten-free alternative)

Tomates Asados con Alubias Especiadas con Gochujang | Tomates Assados com Feijões Temperados com Gochujang

Pan plano | pão achado

Hummus & Grilled Veg  V
A rustic flatbread topped with homemade hummus and grilled vegetables.
Hummus y Verduras a la Parrilla | Homus e Legumes Grelhados

Aubergine, Pesto & Goat Cheese
roasted aubergine, vibrant pesto, and tangy goat cheese topped flatbread
Berenjena, Pesto y Queso de Cabra | Berinjela, Pesto e Queijo de Cabra

Apple Crumble, vanilla ice cream
Warm, spiced apple crumble paired with smooth, indulgent vanilla cream
Crumble de maçã,  gelado de baunilha | Crumble de manzana, helado de vainilla

Borboleta Verde Cake of the day  GF V
Ask about today’s handcrafted cake, made with love by Christina at Borboleta Verde.
A delightful treat that’s both gluten-free and vegan!

Bolo do dia| Pastel del dia

All prices include VAT at the current rate. / Todos los precios incluyen el IVA a la tasa vigente. / Todos os preços incluem o IVA à taxa em vigor.

V = Vegan Vo = Vegan version available GF = Gluten Free GFo  = Gluten Free Option